Monday, 31 October 2011

Model Pinggan Mangkuk

Please gelak dengan title blog wawa kali ni.. :) 

Last Wednesday (Deepavali) family wawa from JB ada datang sini. Motif utama ialah zarith nak beli barang for her hantaran. Sasaran tempat ialah SOGO. So mak and sista wawa tak nak lepas kan peluang pergi ke family area pinggan mangkuk kristal and so ever. Well, wawa memang tak minat dengan benda ni semua, all dining set, tea set kat rumah pun mak yang bagi, yes import from JB. Purposely nak beli pinggan mangkuk sendiri memang tak pernah. Maybe after this. 

So sementara tunggu diaorang tengah pilih-pilih tu apa lagi kita jadi model pinggan mangkuk sekejap. Hampir-hampir dihalau oleh promoter di situ. Apa pun tak boleh.. :)

Beli beli all of this value buy. 20% 30% 50% diskaun. Shop till you drop! 

Agak-agak Corelle nak amik wawa jadi model diaorang tak? Wait wait new set Corelle ni serius cantik-cantik. The price pun cantik gak. Rasa bersalah pulak bila wawa pernah pecahkan pinggan Corelle mak wawa. Nati if ada budget wawa beli set Corelle baru for you. I love u mak!

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Bersyukur Alhamdulillah!

bersyukur with what do you have now and keep your positive thinking.

In Time Review...

Tengok muka tu dulu apa maknanya tu? Boring? It's complicated? or whatever. Actually itu expression for movie in time tu. Like boring and unhappy kan? Agree?

Bare in mind, ticket ni mr.fand yang belanja, bukan dapat free dari Nuffnang pun. Tak pernah dapat pun ticket free tu. Tambah lagi unhappy.

Sinopsis: In future time, life kita akan stop until 25 years. That mean, after 25 years having to buy or work for time. Fizikal kita akan kekal macam 25 tahun forever. Dalam film ni time is everything instead of money. In this film Will Salas (Justin Timberlake) terpaksa membunuh, dan dia try to figure out a way to bring down 'time' system. Time is money-wealthy to live. While the poor, have to beg, steal hours minute to survive through another day.

Yang part devastated in this movie is when Will Salas steal the time from rich mans Henry Hamilton tapi tak sempat nak give her mom, 50 year old Mother Rachel (Olivia Wilde). Will decides to work to help others and shake up the system. Tapi tak sempat.

For me, this movie reflects very much to the reality, when money takes its place. In the real world now, people see money as important as their lives. Money is important, but how much money is considered 'enough'? Are you living happier with lots of money? Is earning a lot of money really the achievement of life?

Better you all go & see, I will leave you to watch the rest of the story, pendapat wawa, this was actually not such a great film. Macam banyak question mark??? There were lots of plot holes that you could not really explain or list down, but you know they were there. The transformation and the flow of the movie was not quite there. Siapa tanya balik kat mr.Fand what is that?? 

But the goods thing kan, cerita ni lain, selalu kita tengok about money je, now in this movie time is everything!! Oh the rich girls Sylvia (Amanda Seyfried) so cute..

recommended but i give 3/5 stars kot..but the 5 stars to mr.Fand coz belanja wawa.. :)

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Yuna, Wawa & Canon

Wawa plan nak beli DSLR, kecoh kan, orang lain semua dah beli tak kecoh pun. ala still nak gak. ada review kat google camera DSLR. wawa memang penggemar Canon, selama ni pun beli IXUS je rasa dah pakai dua jenis IXUS yang berlainan. semua pemberian parents. so this time plan nak beli DSLR guna duit sendiri lah. kecoh kan. whatever. 

Bila google tadi ada ternampak yuna & canon. baru teringat yuna adalah duta canon. so sempat cuci mata dengan fesyen yuna bersama canon, lagi lah bersemangat nak beli. hurmm please.. duit-RM-kachingg silalah banyak.. :)

Ok jom kita layan gambar yuna dulu... sumber google..

Sila jealous..


Yuna bersama Jojo.. gambar ni dari blog Jojo shooting yuna in london and new york.

Sangatlah bertuah cik Yuna ni.


Picture below taken from yuna tumblr. Mengikut firasat wawa yuna menggunakan Canon EOS-5D-Mark-II. Yang harganya lebih kurang dengan duit hantaran wawa dulu.. hukhuk..

Tak perlu rasanya nak beli yang mahal sangat, bukan nak buat bisnes or amik gambar kahwin macam MOM kan. 

Bila google lagi wawa ada terjumpa pada Canon 1100D yang baru & limited editon. Yuna launch tuhari. Harga pun ok. Atau Canon 550D. Masih lagi within my budget lah. So pada sesiapa out there yang dah biasa dengan DSLR ni boleh share tips dengan wawa.

Comel kan yuna camera ni.. ishh.. geram.. rasa nak pergi beli sekarang je.. maroon lagi..

And please pray my wish do come true. Nati kita boleh amik gambar sama. :)

Selama ni pun wawa amik gambar with my Canon IXUS & blackberry je.. ok lah tu.. ye ke ok?

The Old Blossom Box Store

I'd like to go there esokk.. Jom jom.. :)

Friday, 28 October 2011

Coming Soon!

Later wawa blog ok! Sekarang bz sangat!!

Bizzy Body: The Slimming Expert

Last Saturday wawa dapat invitation dari Bizzy Body untuk promisi 7th Anniversary Bizzy Body. 7 tahun since opening diaorang so RM7 sahaja caj dikenakan untuk slimming session mengikut terma dan syarat diaorang lah. Bila sampai je sana, diaorang akan tanya nama dan appointment pukul berapa, setelah memberitahu details kepada receptionist tu diaorang suruh tunggu sekajap and fill form. Lama jugak nak tunggu consultant diaorang before proceed to treatment. So dari takde buat apa, biasalah wawa pergi snap beberapa picture. 

Look at that!

Ni post wajib..

Antara ambassador ialah: Yasmin Hani, Datin Sharifah Shawati, Tony Eusoff, Kevin Zahri, & Sazzy Falak. (Itu antara celebrities yang wawa kenal). Dan look 800 sessions treatments left. so grab it now! ambassador diaorang semua memang dah slim, try test adibah noor or shani or dina ke? ada berann?? :)

The slimming products. to burn fat. stimulates the cells of the skin. to produce more collagen and elastic to strengthen the breast and prevent sagging dan macam-macam lagi.

 The package! Jangan terbeliak plak tengok the price ok.. Itu rasa murah kot..

Ok continue.. lepas consultant datang, dia pun cerita semua produk yand di tawarkan dan based pada body wawa. itu ini itu ini.. wawa kena jalani treatment almost 4 months untuk jadi macam diaorang ambassador. dan wawa tanyalah berapa cost semua? ha nak tau RM7684++.. MURAH KAN!! hihihi.. wawa terus je cakap i'll be back and discuss with my husband to confirm lah.. in fact balik tu takde pun cakap dengan mr.fand terus lupakan mr.fand tanya pun terus cakap tak berminat dengan produk tu.

Before pergi bizzy body tu ada gak google & buat research pasal produk ni.. ada yang bad comment & ada yang kata ok dah berjaya guna produk ni.

rasa kena kaya dulu baru boleh pergi buat treatment ni kot.. hihihi.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Polyvore: Black

Untitled #2
Sesi verangan di polyvore lagi!! :)

Monday, 24 October 2011

Polyvore: Pretty In Beige

I've just created a Polyvore account. It's an easy-to-use virtual styling tool. and easy untuk wawa berangan  pilih apa nak pakai. this tool that lets people mix and match whatever the want to create their own style. Just click, drag and match you all boleh dapat what you want. bestnya kalau kita boleh klik-klik macam tu je untuk dapat barang yang kita suka. (splash.. sila sedar dari lamunan) :)

Polyvore really fun and of cos could show your taste (low taste ke hi taste ke). If you have one, you may add me. :)

This set yang wawa mix & match. Suka tak? I wish my dream come true.. ohhh!!

many set polyvore will be coming.. :)

Colour Inspiration

I'm not ussually attracted to pastel colour. If ada sebelah pastel sebelah lagi bright, deep or rich colour. i'll choose bright and saturated of cos. But nowadays macam suka pada colour pastel pulak. maybe faktor umur yang makin meningkat kot. (auta takde kaitan) atau duit dah banyak boleh beli colour apa pun (lagilah auta). faktanya colour pastel tu cantik sangat, nampak sweet, soft, pleasant to my eyes gitu. maybe ada kaitan dengan aishah sinclair kot. ok whatever it is, wawa akan membeli barang or baju or whatever berwarna pastel after this. 

Jom start berangan..


 Pastel palette..

 dreamy room..

I think i've fallen in love with pastel colours.

Ada contest di polyvore pasal pastel colour.. so cantik..dian pelangi in there.

we in not so pastel colour.. :)

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Cantiknya Aishah Sinclair

Wawa bukan fan kepada aishah sinclair ni. Drama or rancangan dia pun tak pernah tengok. admitted tak tahu dia glamour sebab apa, maybe adik kepada ashraf sinclair and absolutely dia cantik. that's why la wawa blog pasal dia ni. baru tahu dia ada facebook bila google tadi. 

apa yang buat wawa nak blog pasal dia ialah nampak cute sangat time reception yasmin hani. wawa dapat pic ni dari ohbulan. yup saya memang suka pasal gossip. :)

jom tengok.. 

tetiba-tiba minat pada kaler pastel macam ni kan. Although i love darker colour, pastel & soft colour isn't a bad choice either..

Btw.. grey & pink colours are best combination for me too.
