Thursday, 18 October 2012

Hot Mama Style

Hot Mama Style

Since ada beberapa seluar yang I dah tak boleh zip, I start untuk fikir what I'm going to wear sepanjang pregnancy untuk masih nampak chic. Yup, yang penting selesa. Honestly I hate maternity clothes or I akan pakai jubah sepanjang ke office nanti.

So I try ke polyvore untuk  mix & match, think about, what I'm going to wear nanti, but bila dah mix & match, eh ini mcm style biasa je. Time bukan mengandung pun orang pakai. 

I like style ni, nampak selesa je.
What say u? Yay or nay.. 

Anyway thanks to polyvore..  


  1. oohh..we kinda have a same thought on maternity dress, i mmg x suke tgk maternity dress, jht kan? hik3! i'd rather buy a normal blouse even if i have to buy 1 size bigger :p but not the pant la of course! yg tu mmg kene beli maternity pant..hehe

  2. me too...tak suka baju maternity...

    walaupun stail biase, biar nmpk bergaya dr tidak bergaya... :)

  3. Yay..i lovee wearing dresses n cardi now..and yes i bought dorothy perkins blouse last time i went to kl..told the salesgirl im pregnant now so she suggested the cotton lycra one so boleh stretch2 n boleh pki afterwards lepas bersalin juga..hehe..up to 5months now,i hya ada modernmum maternity jeans tp takde maternity blouse..

  4. bli skirt n suar maternity.. jeans maternity pun ada.. hehe

  5. dulu masa pregnant suka pakai maternity jeans + maternity blouse :) Tapi dress nampak lagik cun sebenarnya...:) senang nak match!
